Friday, March 4, 2011

It is with delight and pride that we introduce a totally new concept in serving to Second Life.

This tray is designed to assist in role-play.  You are a server in a tavern.
  You wear the tray and walk out to serve your customer.   The tray is empty.
You recite the list of available drinks to your customer.  They choose a drink.
   You walk back to the bar, and click on the tray on your hand.  From the menu, you choose the appropriate drink,  The drink appears on the tray and return to your customer.
 The customer clicks on the tray, and is given the drink.  Your tray now appears to be empty.  
  You go on to another customer and ask what they would like.   They order, and you again click on the tray.
  From the menu, you choose a drink, and it rez's on the tray.  The customer can click on the tray, and be given the drink.  The drink on the tray vanishes.
 We think this offers a more realistic approach to serving drinks in second life role-play scenarios, and hope you enjoy!

We make wearable trays like the one in the picture here, and ones with other serving poses as well. including the gorean nadu pose.
Kittycat's Creations makes many things: mostly drinks and decanters of all types  With a collection of well over a thousand drinks, we may have just what your looking it a fine wine, a wonderful cognac or even fermented mares milk...
 Kitty's first love was Gor and her heart still beats to the desert drums.  She has created a huge inventory of drinks related to Gor  and is increasing it all the time.  She has dozens of meads and ales, over 40 paga, wines of every type and bazi tea and black wine comin out the gunnals.   If you would like your city/town/village represented with a drink from Gor, she would be delighted to create it for you and add it to her ever expanding inventory.

We make bars, barrels, kegs, glasses, crystal decanters, wine bottles and some things you would never think could dispense drinks.
We do a ton of research on our drinks. and nowhere is that more evident than in the historically accurate drinks we make.  Want to drink the same drinks the Pharaoh’s drank?  We have Nedjem and Pekha.  Want to drink what Caesar drank?  We have Mulsum and Calda.  Vintage Absinthe?  We got a dozen.  Vintage Sake?  Turkish?  Maybe your taste runs to Orgeat and Wassail? The wild west?  Pirates?  Norse?  Assyrian?  Moonshine?  We got them all.